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Sunday, October 11, 2009

You're Gonna Miss This

I took a quiz on Facebook title "What Country Song are you?" and my result was this song, which I've added to my playlist. I would say that's pretty accurate. I am definitely sentimental and things that are frustrating in the moment are looked back upon with laughter or fondness or a feeling of "It wasn't such a big deal". Today I had to keep repeating this, though, as all the little, dumb annoyances happening were getting to me and my mood. Just ask my family, they will confirm this ! The final straw was when my almost brand-new favorite pair of sunglasses got stepped on and broken by one of my children. I was already too defeated to hardly even react, but they obviously knew I was upset about it, because later, two of my darlings came to me with their own money, offering it to me to buy some new sunglasses ! I would love to say that that was the thing that turned it all around for me and my mood, but it actually took leaving the house for an hour with my husband to go to our church's small group meeting for me to gain a better perspective and come home feeling more lighthearted. In the end, home is where my heart is and my family knows it, broken sunglasses and all.

1 comment:

medina family said...

Love that song..ever since I saw Trace sing it on Donald Trump's show. I had a day like that today.