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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hollister meets Turtle

The recent wet weather we had brought out a turtle in our driveway. Hollister was very intrigued.
He sniffed and followed the turtle (who was not intimidated by the big creature looming over him), as he made his way across the driveway.
In fact, when the turtle began to move, Hollister was the one to jump back !! Silly, lovable dog !!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ellie's "Fundraising"

Yesterday after school, Ellie asked me if she could go outside. I said yes. Within 5 minutes, she was back inside looking for a cup. She found one with her name on it and went back outside. I could hear her practicing her cheers. I went out to see her and saw that she had the cup sitting next to her. I asked what that was for. She said " Well, I want to earn some money, so I am doing cheers and people can give me money !" I had to give her an "A" for effort and resourcefulness while holding back the laughter.
Here she is, giving it her all to attract some attention .
She earned some change, and pieces of candy !
Gotta love that spirit !

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Day of School 2010

Bethany is a freshman this year !! She is a 9th grader at Cosby HS. So far, she said it is very evident that the students and staff have a lot of school pride. She said she already found a club she wants to join and she has a lot of her friends in her classes. She is off to a great start.
Felicia is starting her first year of middle school. She is a 6th grader at Tomahawk Creek MS
These two were so ready and so excited !
Sam is starting his final year of middle school. He is in 8th grade at Tomahawk Creek MS.
Yes, I actually braved the middle school bus stop, though normally no parents go there. They obliged me with one photo.

Sweet Ellie had to wait the longest. She doesn't get on the bus until 9am !! I'm so proud of my first grade girl! She slept in sponge rollers so she could have curls for the first day.Her teacher is so sweet and Ellie is especially excited that her (boy)friend, Walker, is in her class again !!
After all the kids got off to school, I had to go to work to start setting up my preschool classroom. My three year olds come next week ! After work, i managed (just barely) to make these apple themed cupcakes I saw in Family Fun magazine. They were easy to make and looked so cute to celebrate everyone's first day.
Ellie comes off the bus ready to tell me all about her day !
All 4 back home to report on their days and share a snack !!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Backyard Campout

Felicia decided it would be fun to invite a few friends over and do a sleepover campout in the back yard to celebrate her 11th birthday. What a fun idea ! We planned a trip to the local state park in our area during the afternoon, then returned back to the house for burgers on the grill and a scavenger hunt. The girls packed their tent full of junk food and games and music for the night.

The silly string in their goody bag bandanas was a big hit.
What campout would be complete without a campfire and S'mores ??
Marshmallow on fire !!!!
Everyone in the tent for the night -- Good Night !
Here are their frightened faces !! Silly girls.