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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Career Building

You know how most kids have a few ideas of things they might like to be when they grow up? Well, if you ask that questions to my daughters, that is true, but if you ask Sam, he always says "I don't know". I thought it would be fun to have them take a quiz to find out where their interests lie. I got this book from the library, obviously geared to adults, but it had a 4 page quiz that was easy to take--the only way they had to answer each one was to say LIKE, DISLIKE or UNSURE. At the end of the quiz, it told you what type of career category you would probably most interested in. In the end, Bethany (not surprisingly) ended up in the artistic category and so did (surprisingly !!) Sam ! felicia was in the Enterprising category. We'll see....

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