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Thursday, January 1, 2009

When do you take it down?

Happy New Year everyone!!1 We had a nice New Year's Eve spent with family and friends and the kids got to stay up (except Ellie) to ring in the New Year.

I got into this discussion at the party I attended last night and it was interesting to hear when people began to take down their Christmas decorations. I have a friend who usually takes everything down the morning after Christmas and has even been known to do it Christmas night! this year, though, it stayed up until the 27th due to company coming. A neighbor across the street was also outside removing garland and lights from his front porch on the 27th. My other neighbor told him, "I leave everything up until January 6th, The Epiphany".
I am a New Year's purist and always feel that the first day of the New Year is the perfect time to be out with the old and in with the new, clean and fresh, so I usually transform our house on that day. This year, however, we have my parents and my brother and his wife visiting, so Christmas will last a bit longer past the New Year. Rest assured, though, that all of my things will be put away before the weekend is over because as well as starting off a New Year on a clean slate, I also like the beginning of my week to start like that as well.

1 comment:

medina family said...

We took ours down today...Jan 1. Wow, you should have seen how many needles fell off the tree! I'm glad to have the corner of the room back!