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Monday, January 5, 2009

Thank you notes!

Who out there sometimes forgets to write their thank you notes?
If I receive someting, i am very quick (usually) to write my notes.
When the kids receive birthday gifts, I am fairly quick to get them to write theirs as well. The glitch comes after they have been written and need to be addressed or sent. If you have given my kids a gift and never received a Thank you , it is more my fault than theirs, since they have more than likely written the note and I have set it aside to mail later, never getting to it and then letting it get buried underneath other papers, etc.
While cleaning out after the holidays, I came across a thank you to her grandparents from Felicia for her birthday gifts (in Sept!). Funny.
So, in the season of new beginnings, I aim to send ALL of the notes out ON TIME this year.Wish me luck!

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