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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

just an ordinary day

Yesterday was just a nothing special,very ordinary kind of day. But, did you ever stop to think about everything you do in one single day? Have you ever made a list? This is what mine from yesterday would look like---

6am-wake up,walk or run
7:45- drive Ellie to summer school
9:00- run errands to get milk,stuff for the kids trips
11:40-leave to pick up Ellie
12:15- pick up Ellie's friend for a playdate
12:30-stop at library to drop off books
Surprise here--found out the library had an apple tree-kids were picking apples off the ground
1:00-3:30- eat lunch, do laundry, pack Sam's bag, help Ellie and her friend clean up etc.
3:30- leave to take Ellie's friend to meet her Mom at her swim lesson
4:00- run a few errands
5:00- Ellie's dance class, neighbor taking Felicia to her swim practice

6:00- head home, make dinner
7:00- eat dinner with the family
7:30- take Felicia to softball practice, Steve works late, Bethany puts Ellie to bed for me and sits at home with her, Sam has been picked up at 4pm to go to the river for a few days with his friend.
8:00- take Hollister for a walk at Felicia's practice
8:45- come home, collapse on sofa !

1 comment:

medina family said...

that is a long day! I saw those apples the other day...that tree if full of them!