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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Signs of Spring

These tulips are growing in our yard, about 10 flowers total after planting about 75 bulbs two years ago!! At least it's better than no flowers and I'm so excited that the deer have not eaten them yet!! Last year the flowers lasted only two days before the deer got them, this year we've already been enjoying them for two weeks!!!
Two flowers got trampled by the egg hunt on Sunday.
Although I don't have a photo , the other sure sign of Spring around here is all the RAIN, RAIN, RAIN!!!! Today is our first sunny day after three straight days of clouds and rain. I know it's good for the grass, but my spirit requires more sunshine. It's also a pain to have the dog go out and have him come back in the house all wet. Yuck!


Stacey said...

Your tulips are so pretty. We must have the same bad luck in planting bulbs b/c mine didn't come up either... maybe we planted them too deep?

Jim Gerencser said...

Ah, yes. No shortage of rain here in Carlisle either. And I do know what you mean about the wet dog issue. Sadie has to stay in the patio long enough for me to dry her off with a towel before she comes in the house. REALLY need to clean those paws since the yard gets pretty muddy.