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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Going Green

I enjoy doing my part to reduce trash, use less plastic and try to find ways to reuse many items in our lives. I faithfully take my reusable bags to the grocery store even if I don't always remember to take them IN the store!!! Sometimes I get frustrated with myself for not remembering the bags that I just tell the cashier to load the items back into my cart without any bags and I bag them myself when I get them to the car. I like to reuse what I can, our spare change jar was a pickle jar, an egg carton holds pepper seedlings waiting to grow , plastic grocery bags to pick up the dog's droppings etc. I guess that's why I enjoy yard sales too. An item I find at a yard sale gets a second chance to be used instead of being thrown away.
Every other Wed. at our house is recyling pick up and Felicia and Brooke (the girl I watch before school) are always so excited when I tell them it's recycle day because they like to take it all down to the end of the driveway. We always have so much that it overflows from the two bins we currently have. Our county has decided that they may cut back recycling pick up from every two weeks to once every 4 weeks!!! I can't imagine that I have enough space to keep that amount of recyclables for that amount of time and hopefully they will decide against that. Bethany even made a wallet out of bubble gum wrappers and it is really neat! She's been using it for a few months now. What a creative girl!

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