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Friday, April 24, 2009

She keeps growing!!

Ellie and I have this little game we play where i always ask her if she'll stay little and not grow anymore and she always giggles and says NO! Sometimes,though, she appeases me ,like yesterday, and says she'll stay little. I went to put a deposit the other day on her 5th birthday party at a child's salon here in Richmond called Divas and Dudes. Ellie is going to have a Princess Birthday Party where her guests will enjoy getting their hair and nails done, dressing up and playing on their stage under disco lights. Every little girls fantasy. I'm still amazed at the fact she'll be FIVE!!! She is super excited about her birthday and asks a few times a week, when will her birthday be? A lot of her friends in her class have already turned this milestone age and she's been to all sorts of fun parties, but she is just so excited about her own!!!! My milestone birthday comes only a few months after hers, but i can tell you I won't be quite as excited as she is!!!

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