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Friday, September 18, 2009

School Stuff

I found out a few days ago that our Elementary School, Grange Hall was recently named as a National Blue Ribbon School by the US Dept of Education. There are only 314 schools nationwide and we are the only one in central Virginia with this award for 2009. The blue ribbon award is based on academic achievement and all public and private schools in the country are eligible. Yay, Grange Hall ES ! Way to go!

Last night was Back to School Night at Tomahawk Creek Middle School for 7th and 8th grade. Steve and I had to split up and each follow Bethany and Sam's schedules to meet each of the teachers and get an overview of their class and expectations in 7 minutes !!! They seem to have really great teachers this year. what made me nervous was Bethany's Algebra I teacher telling us that this course was the first one that counts as a high school course and the grade they receive will be the first to start their GPA !!!!

Ellie had an eventful second week of school. She was not feeling well on Tuesday morning and had to stay home. When she went back Wednesday, she came home giggling that a boy in her class had kissed her on the lips !!! She's also had color week and has to try to wear the color of the day everyday. This is actually pretty hard--we don't seem to have all the colors to wear, at least not in the right season! This goes on for two weeks and I think we only have about 3-4 of the colors in her clothing!

And, of course, what would the beginning of school be without all the paperwork? Once again, my kitchen island is a dropping ground for piles of papers I have to read, sign, send money in for, or serve as a reminder for something coming up. I don't know how people with more than 4 do it, because it makes my mind swirl trying to keep up with everything!

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