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Friday, September 4, 2009

Meet the Teachers !

Yesterday morning was Meet the teacher day at Grange Hall ES. The kids are able to bring in their supplies and fill up their desk, pick up info. and forms to take home and fill out and meet their new teacher for the school year. This is Felicia's sweet teacher, Miss Gallagher.Felicia will have an awesome year in her class ! This is Felicia's last year in Elementary School and Ellie's first !
Felicia's classroom. Felicia's desk is just to the left of Sam's back in this photo. She loves that she is right up front.
For kindergarten orientation, parents dropped their child off at a designated hallway and the teachers/staff escorted them to their classroom, where they found their seat, took a tour of their classroom and met their teacher. From there, they went out to the bus loop and a qucik walking tour of the school down to the cafeteria, where they were served a snack and that was where we were to pick them up. During this time, the kindergarten parents were in the cafeteria first to hear the principal/PTA speak and then we had the opportunity to go to our child's class to meet the teacher and help get all the supplies we brought put away.
After picking Ellie up in the cafeteria, I brought her back to the classroom just to get a few pictures. Here she is at her table with her supplies.
Ellie with her teacher, Mrs. Bowman
What a beautiful and spacious classroom !

Each child was to bring in 20 glue sticks--this is just one of 4 bins !!!

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