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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Our Last Preschool Graduate!!!

Tonight our sweet Ellie graduated preschool, on the eve of her 5th birthday.
I am very emotional about this week, my "baby" done with preschool and turning five years old! Amazing how time flies right on by. I am looking forward to new adventures with my kids in a new stage of life, but I'll still always feel nostalgic and wistful remembering those baby, toddler and preschool days. I've loved (nearly) every minute of them.
At the ceremony, as each child received their certificate, the teacher announced what each child had told her they wanted to be when they grew up." Ellie wants to be a Cheerleader" is what we found out. The two occupations chosen by other children to receive the most applause of the evening were "a candy maker" and a "monster truck driver"

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