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Sunday, May 24, 2009

My Black Thumb

Every Spring I get so excited to see pretty flowers and gardens and I want that in my yard, so I set off to buy lots of plants and flowers to hang,plant in containers or the ground. After about 3 weeks, only the strongest remain! I have learned that foliage is not particularly my friend and even though I try my hardest to keep them alive,most manage to wither and die on me. I now keep my expectations very low, stick to only planting green shrubs and bushes that require little to no maintenance and just add very few annuals twice a year for a pop of color. I recently purchased these flowers for two large planters in the front of the house and I had a pretty Verbena given to me by Ellie's preschool class as a thank you for being the class room Mom this year. I took a chance and planted it because I had really good luck with Verbena at our last house, it just spread and spread and had great color on the ground in the warm months. Wish me luck!!!!


medina family said...

i bought a hanging plant from home depot that looked dead after just ONE day! I moved it to the shade and water it each morning and it's back to normal...the lesson for me is to do the opposite of what I think I should! I hope yours lives!

Stacey said...

Oh, I can soooooo relate to your post!!

Jim Gerencser said...

While I don't regularly "kill" my green, leafy friends, I have wondered why the peonies haven't bloomed since I relocated them a few years back. I may have finally learned the answer, though - I may have planted them too deep. Will have to test my theory next year. In the meantime, fingers crossed for other color this spring. The first iris bloomed today (despite the rain and gray skies), so more may be on the way soon.