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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Buying lunch

Most kids can't wait until they get to buy lunch at school. It's exciting for them to make their own choices etc. Sam and Felicia would buy lunch every day if I let them, but even though it's easier for me to just have them buy, I feel like the lunches they pack at home are a little more nutricious.
My oldest child, Bethany, has finally broken her record of never buying a school lunch in her whole school career so far. She is in 7th grade! When she was little, she was nervous to do it and when she got a little older, she just didn't care to.
Now that she's in middle school, she tells me that the school fries are "the best fries ever" and she's tasted other things her friends have bought. So, she asked me yesterday to finally set up her lunch account. I was seriously wondering if she was going to make it to high school graduation without ever buying a school lunch!

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