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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Ellie !!!

Ellie is 5 and she is so proud to be a big girl! She has been waiting and waiting for this day to come. For the past 5 months, she's been asking "How long until my birthday?" and planning who to invite, what kind of party to have etc...
Her party will be on Saturday, but tonight we celebrated with Brownies baked in individual heart shaped tins and a scoop of ice cream with it. What she chose for her birthday dinner? Pizza Bagel Bites!!!! She loves those things and I haven't bought them in so long so that is what she wanted. Needless to say, the kids were all happy with her choice. She loved and squealed over all of her gifts, she has the best reactions to receiving presents! And tonight, Daddy tucked her into her new princess tent and read her one of her new books and she went to sleep knowing that we love her so very much. Happy Birthday sweetness!


Stacey said...

what a sweet song on your page! such a great mom you are!

medina family said...

ditto!!! you are a great mom! Happy Birthday Ellie!

Kim Lukitsch said...

thanks, ladies! Right back at ya!