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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tour USA

Every summer I give my kids a project to keep their brains in learning mode. This year I decided that they were going to do a "virtual" tour of the USA, planning an entire trip across our great country, each starting in a different location. They had to choose a method of travel, plan who was going with them, what sites they would see, what and where they would eat and sleep, how many miles would they travel and calculate the cost of everything. Each child came up with a very different plan.They drew out of a hat for their starting point.

Sam began in Maine, took Steve's Scion with his two best buddies, Alex and Zach and traveled to a lot of sports stadiums to see games and went to a race car driving school as well ! They ate at all fast food restaurants !!

Felicia started in California and decided to take an RV with three of her friends and stayed at campgrounds. They purchased most of their food and fixed their own meals, except for occasional meals out. They went to a lot of popular sightseeing places such as the Grand Canyon, but also chose to go to a lot of amusement parks to ride the rollercoasters. (that is what her picture is of that she's holding).

Bethany was VERY original with her trip. She started in Florida and decided to bike across the country, but invited Lance Armstrong along on a tandem bike to help her out !! She also brought along a pet bird, named Alfonso, who sat in a basket on the front of the bike. They would stay at motels until they reached New Mexico, where they took a Teepee Building Class and then slept in their teepee at campgrounds for the rest of their trip. Her excursion had us in stitches. She also decided to buy her food at grocery stores along the way and didn't forget the sunflower seeds Alfonso likes to eat !! Bethany went to a lot of museums and parks on her trip.

I really enjoyed the variation in each of their plans and hopefully one day we can cross some of these interesting destinations off of their bucket lists !


medina family said...

Very creative! I love how different each one of them was.

Darlene said...

That is such a cool idea!! Love your pics of NY!!