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Monday, August 2, 2010

Ellie's Special Playdate

This past year, Ellie had a friend named Walker in her class that she didn't really start talking about until near the end of the year.She was/is infatuated by him and , as fate would have it, she ended up seeing him at the Vacation Bible School she did last week. Every morning she wrote out her phone number and handed it to him, hoping he would call to invite her over ("because he said he would call!"). Finally, on Saturday morning, her dream came true. Walker's Mommy called and invited Ellie to come and play for the afternoon. To say Ellie was excited would be an understatement.I stayed for about 30 minutes, then left to run some errands.
When I returned to pick Ellie up, they wanted to have a swing on the hammock together, so I got out my camera to capture the joy of this moment.

This hug just says it all, doesn't it? They are eagerly awaiting a second "date".


medina family said...

They are definitely a cute couple.

Natalie Herman said...

Kimmy! I love your blog! It makes me so happy that you've been able to do amazing things with your family! I know how awesome you made my life and my families life! You are just an amazing woman! I can't wait to see you sometime!! <3