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Monday, August 2, 2010

Nothings better than fresh and homemade !!

Nothing is yummier to me than fruit and vegetables in their prime ! These beautiful blueberries were brought to me from my parents, who have lots of berry bushes at their home in Florida. I make muffins and cakes and freeze the rest so I can make things all year round. I even have a great recipe for a salad with lettuce, cooked turkey and fresh bluberries.
These tomatoes were given to me by a friend from a local neighbor's garden. There were so many and they were so ripe, so I knew I had to make something or they would go bad.
voila ! The tomatoes have turned into fresh salsa ! I even added some diced zuchinni and squash in there for added vitamins!

While I love fresh produce, a gardener I am not. Maybe one day, when I have a little more time and a lot more patience, but for right now, I will purchase or graciously accept offerings. Next week I look forward to picking peaches at a farm.

1 comment:

medina family said...

You're a great cook and make it look easy.