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Monday, August 9, 2010

River Rocking

A morning exploring the nature of the James River was time well spent. We wore our old shoes and traveled across a huge footbridge to get to the part of the river where you could go down and climb on the rocks in the water.So much fun. Sometimes we forget all the cool things we have to do right in our own "backyard".
In general, Ellie is pretty girly, so I was surprised that she had such a great time and was less timid in the waters than I thought she would be.
The scenery surrounding us is so pretty in Richmond.
Sam was our leader, guiding us toward the bigger, further out rocks. At one point, Ellie could not do much more, so Steve, Sam and Felicia continued on while Bethany , Ellie and I stayed behind and had a snack.
Felicia is always adventurous and had a great time trying to navigate the water and rocks to get to the next destination.
The kids have been wanting to do this all summer. I'm glad we finally got to go.

1 comment:

medina family said...

beautiful pictures!! That definitely looks like fun. My kids have been begging to do this all summer...not too sure how to do it with Diego but I'll have to get all the info from you of where you went.

That one of Felecia looks like she's in the desert or somewhere foreign. Very cool.