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Friday, December 18, 2009

School Holiday Parties

We've survived two more elementary school parties ! At our school, the classes typically rotate classrooms, with each classroom being a different activity -- games,presents,eating etc. Ellie's party was on thursday afternoon and Felicia's on Friday, so I was able to be at both. They had a great time, as you can see.I love the book exchange that they do. The photo above is of Ellie's class on the carpet before the party began. Ellie is on the left side, light pink shirt, little braids on the side of her hair.
Yummy treats to eat !
Ellie was chosen in her group to be the "snowman". The others wrapped her up in toilet paper and hats/gloves etc...
Ellie's snowman group - the girl in the red dress is one of Ellie's best friends, Abbie
Making a craft
Felicia with her good friend, Natalie. They both received the same book as their gift. Felicia loves this author.
Playing Christmas Bingo
Amazingly, Felicia also got picked in her group to be the one wrapped up like a snowman. Well, in Felicia's case, she fought for that and won, even over the football player boy who wanted to be it.

Felica's group, so proud of their handiwork !

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