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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Another one of those days

Yesterday started off okay, except for the rain, which we've had way too much of this year. I went to work and that was fine. The day started going south as soon as I left work to go to the grocery store, where I forgot my list and couldn't seem to think in the store about what i needed, so spent more time than I wanted in there !Plus, I found this awesome deal on a certain brand of salad dressing --closeout price of .50 cents each, but of course,they rang up incorrectly and had to go back in the store after getting the groceries out to the car.(Cape Cod Parmesan and Peppercorn and Asian-Sesame flavors, in case you're curious!)
When I got home, it was already 3:00 and the older kids get off the bus at 3:20, so I had just enough time to eat lunch and let the dog out before they trooped in.
The evening continued with me not cooking the hamburgers enough (blood in the middle !), burning the fries in the oven, thus setting off the smoke alarm, Ellie writing her name on Felicia's posterboard book report (with a Sharpie right in the middle !!) and my 13 year old having a breakdown about cleaning the bathroom (which is her daily job for the month !) Here's hoping today will be a much better day !

Incidentally, the evening ended up much better -- Steve took the younger two out in the rain to their evening activities and the older two offered to clean up the kitchen for me, gave me a hug and a kiss and Bethany even made me a glass of iced tea. I think they wanted to keep me happy so I wouldn't totally lose it. Alls well that ends well and I try to remind myself that there are lots of people in this world that would love to have my "problems" instead of the hardships they have.

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