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Monday, June 8, 2009

Our Church

WE belong to a great church that is close to where we live. We found this church a few months after we had moved into our Benmore Ct. home. The first day we visited, it was mid-September and we took the kids to Sunday School. When Sam walked into his 3rd grade class, he saw his actual 3rd grade teacher from his elementary school! How cool was that! So, she taught him Mon-Fri. and then also on Sundays that year. She must have gotten to know him pretty well! Anyway, it was the first church we had visited that the kids all were excited about and now, 4 years later, I can see why. We have wonderful kids programs and plenty of them to choose from!! On Mondays Bethany and Sam go to Rock Gospel Show Choir practice with their peers of middle school age. They work hard all school year and then perform on tour for a week in the summer as a ministry. Sometimes on Tuesdays we'll go for the weekly dinner, with youth service and kids classes afterwards. Wednesday nights are for WOW, which stands for Wonders of Worship for 4th-6th graders. They eat pizza, learn new songs and play messy games. Sam and Felicia have done that this year with two of their neighborhood friends. Felicia and her friend even went on the WOW road trip in April, when they got to go to Great Adventure in MAryland and then perform for a northern VA church the next morning. Ellie also was part of the preschool choir, which practiced on Wed. nights. We feel like it's our second home. I have done bible studies,MOPS (Mother's of Preschoolers group), helped put on the VBS for a few years, and been part of some of the small groups there.I'm glad we were lucky enough to find a church like ours to keep the whole family plugged in.

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