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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

school carnival

As so often happens at our house these days, not only was this the night for the elementary school's carnival, it was also the first dance for 6th graders at their middle school . Felicia and her friend Valerie are ready to get picked up and holding their admission ticket, which has to be signed by a parent.They were upset about missing the carnival, but the great time they had at the dance made up for that.
Ellie got dressed in her cowgirl costume to go to the school carnival, one of the most looked forward to events of the school year. The whole family is involved, because the middle and high school students love to come still and help.
Sam wore his costume so that he could volunteer in the carnival's haunted house. His costume is "Jason" this year, from Friday the 13th.
Bethany gets in on the action by attacking Sam's friend Alex with "Jason's" weapon
one of the first people we ran into at the carnival as it was starting was Ellie's "boy"friend, Walker. They were excited to see each other and spent the first half hour together.
There are games for the kids to play in almost every classroom. Parents, older siblings and teachers volunteer. Ellie played this game first because her teacher was the volunteer. The prize for playing the game is usually candy !
photo op with Daddy and Walker in the hallway
one of the highlights of the evening is the bookfair, held in the library during the carnival. Ellie chooses carefully, looking over ALL the books before making her final selection.

the costume contest is always popular, although we've never one. They parade in a circle , one grade at a time , and are chosen for cutest, scariest and most original.As always, fun was had by all. I even won spring softball registration at the silent auction ! Yay !

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