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Friday, February 12, 2010

Getting our Valentines ready

With all the time off we've had for snow, we had plenty of time to get our Valentines together this year. Here is Felicia helping Ellie get hers all done.They did it all in a surprisingly short amount of time!
Every Valentine you send these days has to have candy attatched, so Ellie and Felicia gave airheads and nerds attatched to theirs.
I had to do Valentines for my preschool class. We are "The Busy Bees" and I happened to find thses note cards that have a bee on the front and say Busy with the bee picture right after it and it was red ! I have this really cool punch that punches the edge of paper into these curly loops, so i did that to the bottom of each straight edged card. Now I know you are thinking "she's putting a lot of time into these Valentine"s", but I only have 7 students, so it didn't take me long at all .

I had a stamp that said "BEE MINE" with a bee on it. Perfect ! I thought they turned out cute.

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