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Monday, December 8, 2008

Santa and SNOW

This weekend I took Ellie to see Santa. At 4, she is no longer scared of the big Jolly man and already she is fairly intuitive. After sitting on his lap, she came to me and said "That was not the real Santa, his beard can come off". I was pretty surprised she could tell Santa was wearing a fake beard, but she still enjoyed the experience and she still knows that the REAL Santa is busy up in the North Pole right now getting ready for his big ride on Christmas Eve.

On Saturday night, here in Richmond, we had SNOW falling for a few hours. Now, to fill you in on how exciting this is, we haven't had much snow fall here for a long time. Every year we get a dusting or two, which is what this was, but we haven't a decent snow in 3-4 years. In fact, 3 years ago, I bought my kids a tobaggan sled at costco that three kids could fit on at one time. It still sits in the garage with the tags still on it!!

So, while Saturday night's snow was only a dusting, it held the promise of maybe more to come soon! The kids had a blast throwing snowballs, eating the snow and building a (tiny) snowman!!!


medina family said...

what a cute picture of Ellie and Santa!

Jim Gerencser said...

We had some light snow up here on Saturday, too. Unfortunately, it came down while we were out at the farm stand. The drive home was really treacherous, with just that little dusting of light stuff, and we slid off the road twice while only driving 10mph. Great fun.

Give me a lot of snow or nothing, but don't tease and torture!