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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We want to wish all of our friends near and far a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
These past few days have been full of visits with friends and holiday activities. the other night we bundled up and got in the car to go look at Christmas lights. In our area, the newspaper lists all the addresses of the houses with the most lights, known as The Tacky Light Tour. we set out to look at a few of those and had a great time, rating each one we saw.
Christmas Eve started early as our children's church service is at 3pm. Ellie sang with the preschool choir at the beginning of the service. After church, we had birthday cake for Jesus at home and the kids each opened the gifts they had gotten for each other. Then we decided to go to the movies to see The Tale of Despereaux. Wow, we were one of only 4 families in the whole theater for the 5:10 showing. It was great! After the movie, we came home to have a Ham dinner, read the Christmas story, take some pictures in our pj's and set out cookies for Santa.
Christmas Morning began at 7am, with the kids all very eager to see what Santa brought!!! The unwrapping only took about an hour, everything opened by 8:15. They all really enjoyed what they received. Ellie, though, wins the prize for being most content all day. She has played and played with her toys all day long without even being aware of anything around her. At one point (1pm),, she looked out the window to see her brother and sisters in the back yard with their friends and she said, "oh, are we getting clothes on today?" So funny! Well, it's now 5:30pm and she is still in her pj's so she is all ready for bed already!
We have my Dad's famous Christmas Stew in the oven and our waiting to dive into that soon. It just isn't Christmas without the stew!
Everyone's favorite gifts
Bethany- pink digital camera
Sam- Ipod
Felicia- Sansa Fuze MP3 player
Ellie- stuffed unicorn in a pet bed from Build-a-Bear

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