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Friday, December 12, 2008

School Projects

Remember the days when a book report meant you read the book, then wrote a summary about it on lined paper and maybe had to give an oral report in front of the class?

These days, a book report is always a unique experience. Felicia is turning one in today that was a Postcard book report where she had to write out a full page-sized postcard to a friend talking about the book, create a stamp for it and draw a picture from the book on the back side. We've had cereal box book reports which involved completely covering the box and doing something different on each side of the box per the instructions from the teachers. Sam is doing a BINGO book report right now in which there is a Bingo card with several different activities and he has to choose one row of activities to complete.

Other school projects we've worked on just this month have been Bethany's edible cell project, where we had to make a cell and label with all the parts of a cell and it all had to be edible and Sam's atom project which he chose to construct an atom out of Legos.

Some of our past favorite projects have been our school's Parade of States (5th graders do this every year). Each child is assigned a state, they build a representation of that state that has to be put on wheels (skateboard, wagon etc.). The kids parade them around the bus loop for the whole school and it is fun to see the creativity of different projects.

Also, the third graders every year have a History Lives project where each child becomes a historical figure for a day, dresses up in costume and memorizes a paragraph about that person .

The gym gets set up as a "museum" and the kids all stand or sit in different spots. the parents and other students in the school come to the "museum" and if you push the "button" on a particular child's hand, the y have to say their memorized speech about who they are and what made them important in History. Last year Felicia was Helen Keller.

1 comment:

Jim Gerencser said...

Hey, Sam didn't mark Carlisle or Emmaus on that map of PA. What gives? He missed the two most important towns! :)