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Thursday, December 4, 2008


Well, our whole house seems to be going under a transformation. The Christmas boxes came in from the garage two days after Thanksgiving and I spent two days decorating the house for the Holiday, with some help from the kids, who want to pull out everything faster than I am ready for. For the first year in probably 15 years, we are not putting the candle lights in the windows!
I wanted lights on two trees outside that we had never lit before and Steve made a deal with me that he would light those if we lost the candles. He thinks they are a pain to turn on and off every evening. We agreed to get the ones with sensors on next year! Anyway, the house looks great and near the end of that mess, the kids begged us to switch their rooms around. Now, let me back up here for a second...
We had promised the kids after finding out that we were not moving that we would let them move rooms AFTER Christmas. Well, they wore us down from all of their excitement and willingness to pitch in, that we relented under the condition that they understood there was not going to be painting going on yet or new bedding purchased!!
Every child moved to a different room, and I now have an "office" for my scrapbooking in Bethany's old room! Bethany wanted Ellie's room, because it has a walk-in closet, Sam wanted Felicia's because it is up on the third floor and he has his own bathroom, Felicia wanted Sam's because she didn't like being on the third floor, and Ellie got the larger room over the garage because she has all the big toys (kitchen set, Barbie house, Dollhouse etc.). So, now it is done and everyone is happy.
I haven't taken any pictures yet, will post when I do.

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