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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Felicia's 5th Grade Graduation

Our sweet Boo is leaving elementary school behind ! This morning we attended her 5th grade ceremony, which was held at Cosby High School. This photo was taken shortly before the bus stop.
peeking at me from her seat in the auditorium
walking across the stage gracefully
A hug from Miss Gallagher
This picture of Felicia and her teacher is just so prescious to me. Her teacher is an AMAZING person who inspired Felicia so much this year. We will truly miss her daily presence in Felicia's life, but we intend to keep in touch.

The entire 5th grade sang a song at the end of the program. Felicia and her good friend Valerie were all giggles during the song. Felicia finished her school year with an award for being on the honor roll all 4 quarters !! We are so proud of her !

1 comment:

medina family said...

That picture of her with her teacher made me cry. Felicia looks beautiful. Congratulations!