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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Derby Party

Getting ready to head out to the Derby Party, in honor of The Kentucky Derby, on May 1st, 2010.We had a great time with friends at this very creative party. I was blown away by the amazing attention to detail given in planning this party. It was a treat to attend this event !
When we arrived, we were given name tags and directed to the betting board, placing bets on the actual race.Steve places his $$ on Devil May Care.
There was great food, fabulous decor with horse themed items and roses everywhere ! They even had official Kentucky Derby merchandise door prizes. Steve walked away with a T-shirt !
The hosts had hired a casino company to come to their home and they brought horses on stands, a racetrack, a wagering booth and funny money and chips to play with. It was quite entertaining, since after the first race moving the horses, people decided to stand in place of the horses !! All of the horses we bet on were actually "ourselves" since we were given a nametag upon entering the party with our real name and an original "horse name". Our very clever hosts had given us our names. Mine was "Kimpossible" !
Steve places his bets.
getting ready to watch the big race !
A photo taken of Churchill Downs on the big screen Tv.
There was a hat contest, too ! My hat was purchased at a thrift shop, then adorned with flowers and ribbon bought at Michael's craft store using my trusty hot glue gun !
Here was the last race, with everyone "jockeying" for position -- I know, bad pun, but i just couldn't resist.

The big winner of the night was my friend Kathy, who scored $100.00 wagering on Super Saver, who placed first at Churchill Downs !

1 comment:

medina family said...

Looks like a lot of fun!! Good job on the hat...that Kathy sure lucked out, didn't she?