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Friday, February 27, 2009


It used to be I'd go to the library with the kids during the day when they were preschoolers so they could go to storytime and we'd have something to do for the day. We'd get books and play in the children's area. Then, as they got older, we really didn't use the library as much, unless the kids needed information for a school project etc. It sort of became a place we rarely went to except in the summer. Now we've started going again in the evenings, as a family. After dinner we'll pack up all the DVD's and books we took out the week before and head to Clover Hill Library to stock up on new ones. Once we enter the doors, everyone pretty much goes their separate ways for about 15 minutes, then we find each other and go over what everyone's getting and then head back out. Everyone except for Ellie has their own library card.
This past Tuesaday we did that, and then afterwards we needed to go to Felicia's Elementary School because they were having Math night (I forget what the fun name they gave it was). but, basically it was a bunch of different math games set up in all the classrooms and you went from game to game and got a special game card punched when you completed one. After you completed them, you were supposed to keep the game card and turn it in to your teacher to receive a free homework pass and some extra credit in math or something.The next morning, felicia asked where her pants were that she had on that night. I said I washed them. She said "That's where the math night game card was!!!" So, after all that effort, she didn't even get to reap the rewards!!!

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