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Friday, February 27, 2009

Crazy Week

Well, I haven't posted this past week because I haven't been able to get online for the past four days! How amazing that something we never even had growing up becomes such a vital part of our day!!! On Monday evening, my whole neighborhood experienced internet failure through the cable company. By the next morning, everyone was up and runing except for us, of course! It took 2 diffrent technicians sent out a total of 4 hours before we finally had it restored and even then he told me it could happen again!
Add to all of that the fact that my Yukon had to be taken into the shop on Monday morning, "fixed " and paid for, drive it home and it was still doing the same thing I took it i for!!! I had to return the NEXT day and wait for over an hour while they looked at it again and finally solved the problem.
And on top of that, I got a call from the school to pick up Felicia because she was itching her eyes a lot and they thoguth she might have pink eye!! ( she didn't, just allergies). To finish out the week, Ellie had a fever yesterday and it looks like she caught (again) the same cold she had a few weeks ago and passed around the house to her sisters.
Needless to say, I am glad this week is almost behind us!

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