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Friday, March 13, 2009

What are we watching?

We definitely tend to watch a little more TV in the winter because it's cold out, not as much to do because it gets dark early. The girls favorite channel to watch is The Disney Channel, but those shows really grate on my nerves, so I convinced them that they should give up The Disney Channel for Lent and they agreed. Yay, no disney Channel for 6 weeks! The kids (except for Ellie) are not allowed to watch TV during the week anyway.
Sam is always tuned in to either Survivorman or
Dirty Jobs or something else on the Discovery Channel when he watches TV.
Ellie loves Mr. Rogers (remember him??) and Olivia , but mostly she picks a DVD to watch
Steve doesn't watch much except TMC to see old movies or the he watches Discovery with Sam.
My favorites to watch are Survivor, Desperate Housewives, The Apprentice, Househunters on HGTV and Jon and Kate plus 8.
In the summer, the TV is turned on much less, the kids are outside until dark alot, or even until after dark playing flashlight tag in the neighborhood.

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