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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

So Lucky!

Yesterday we celebrated St. Patrick's Day at our house! We all wore green and for some of us, it was difficult to find something green!!! I made tacos for dinner and dyed the sour cream and the water green and of course, we had green lettuce and green peppers. I sliced the green pepper from the bottom to show the kids that it looked like a shamrock when it was cut that way!
We had St. Patrick's Day trivia where they each received a green M&M for a correct answer.The question, what country is St. Patrick the patron saint of? Ellie answered faster than anyone, so cute! Way to go, Ellie!
I had found a 4 pk of these snakes (party favors) on clearance at Target for like $.75 or something, so we played a game where they "drove all the snakes out of Ireland", following the legend of St. Patrick.
I like to end the day telling them how lucky I am to have them!!!

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