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Monday, March 9, 2009

Deja' Vu ?

Well, this week we now have temperatures in the 80's, sunny and pleasant, a far cry from last week's 30 degree temps plus a foot of snow. However, there was one thing in common this Monday that also happened last Monday and that was losing our power!!!
Today around noon I was in the kitchen preparing some food for lunch and dinner. All of a sudden, no power! I run outside and speak to my neighbor who tells me that he just heard a transformer blow and it will probably be a few hours before we get it back! AHHH! Not again! Well, I was just about ready to get ice for the cooler I was going to put all of my freezer food in when the power came back on around 4:30pm. I had just gone to the grocery store this morning and the freezer was stocked with lots of food, including ice cream and meat. Needless to say, I was elated when the power came back on, saving me from doing all of that!

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