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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Ellie's Creations

The other day, Ellie was so quiet in her room, I walked down the hall to peek in at her. She was sitting at her desk, singing while she worked with paper, scissors and colored pencils. When I asked what she was making, she said"What is that called when you watch a movie with those funny glasses?" I said"3D"? She said "yeah, this is my 3-D dollhouse I made" So cute !! She made the whole house with a door, window, tree,mailbox, etc. and a doll to go inside. This activity kept her entertained for 2 solid hours.So, the Fisher Price dollhouse, complete with all the accessories, sits in her closet while she creates her own. Gotta love a creative kid !

Front and back views of the house.

1 comment:

medina family said...

That is a cute house! I'd take that over Fisher Price any day!