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Monday, March 2, 2009

Winter Wonderland

Well, we've wished and hoped and dreamed about it happening all winter. Well, not me, really, but the kids did!! And, lo and behold , we got SNOW!!!!! Almost a whole foot of snow to play in and sled in and shovel and make forts etc... the kids had a blast all day long. I was more concerned with the fact that we didn't have power and wondered how long we'd be without, but just before dark, we had it restored and I am a happy woman tonight!!!


medina family said...

Love the picture of you sledding! I wonder if I could do that on my big belly?

Jim Gerencser said...

I am so jealous of your snow. We got shut out again. Well, not completely - we got a dusting. Sigh. Another winter down the tubes with no good snow. What's the point of living north of the Mason-Dixon Line if you can't get any decent snow?!