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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ice Skating

The kids had off from school for Election Day and it was raining all day, so we decided to go ice skating for someting fun to do. Sam had only skated once before and Felicia had been about 4 times. Ellie had never done this and she was nervous but willing to try. Her skates were so tiny!!!! I had so much fun because it has been years since I've skated. I used to go as a teenager back in PA. I even used to have my own skates which I brought with me to Virginia when we moved, but they stayed in the closet for so many years that I finally got rid of them. We do have a couple of ice rinks in Richmond, the closest one being about 20 minutes from our house.

Again, Bethany is not in the pictures because she spent the afternoon at a friend's house.

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