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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Group Effort

The kids LOVE to go to friends' houses that have trampolines to jump on them. A few weeks ago, we were talking about how it takes them so long to save up money to buy something really good (because they can't SAVE their money, they spend it immediately!). I suggested that they start pooling all their money together to save for one big thing. They all agreed (WOW) that they should save for their own trampoline and for the past month or so, have been adding money to a marked envelope every time they receive an allowance, babysitting money, money from grandparents, etc. So far they have about $110.00 saved. Not bad for only 4 or 5 weeks! To get the one they want with the safety netting around it, they need at least 150.00 more dollars. Hopefully by Spring, they'll have made their goal. How excited they'll be!!

1 comment:

medina family said...

That's a great idea! i can't believe they've earned that much already!