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Friday, February 13, 2009


Don't you just love Fridays? The start of the weekend, this is my favorite day of the week.
Every Friday for the past two years, my friend Lara has hosted scrapbook day at her house. While the older kids are at school, us Moms and whatever preschoolers we have with us, meet at her house to scrapbook. The kids all play upstairs in her big playroom and usually only come down when they are hungry for lunch. We sit in the dining room and chat and scrapbook and listen to music. We have so much fun on Fridays. Ellie gets so excited to go to Gabi's house because they are really good friends and get along so well.

The kids are always busy planning sleepovers toward the end of the week.Normally the kids ask me if their friend can come and I call their Mom and plan it out, but now that Bethany has is older, she and her friends tend to plan lots of things on their own and the parents just have to confirm everything in the end. Tonight Bethany will be going home with a friend from school to sleepover and go rollerskating.

Usually whoever stays home that evening plans a "sleep down" in the living room and Steve will do this with them. They have a fun snack and watch TV or a movie together and bring their blankets to sleep downstairs.I prefer sleeping in a bed to a floor or sofa (no, I'm not a good camper!), so I don't take part in this activity. That is Steve's special thing to do with the kids. I enjoy my big, comfy bed all to myself for the night!

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