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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

No Snow Again!

Here in central Virginia, we haven't seen a good snowfall in 3-4 years. As like in past years, the kids keep getting their hopes up with every "winter advisory" weather report, which so far has turned out to be NOTHING! We've definietly had some cold weather this season, but every time it's below freezing, no precipitation. As soon as it's above 35, rain, rain, rain.We were expecting something most recently last night and today, but it's 6:15 am and already 35 degrees with nothing falling from the sky. The kids will be disappointed yet again when they wake up with no excitement about listening to the radio to see if there is a delay or cancellation.
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, back to school they go!

1 comment:

Jim Gerencser said...

Well, let me just say that we're rather annoyed here in PA that, though we get a little snow, we keep getting much more ice/sleet/freezing rain along with it. How I long for a simple snow. But it's not to be. Another mess today. Grumble.