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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Half Marathon

Here is my official race shirt and number for the Richmond Half Marathon I ran in yesterday.
Steve and the kids captured me coming in the last mile --I'm glad the shot is far away because I wasn't looking so hot at that point in the race !

Ahh, done with the run and with the support of my awesome family and great friends I was able to accomplish something I NEVER thought I would attempt to do in my life !
I started training for this race in August, with my friend Kristin and our "trainer", Bonnie, who was there to guide us and encourage us. As we trained I felt pretty confident that I would do well in the race. Boy did I underestimate how hard it would be ! The real kicker was when the guy in first place for the FULL marathon passed me in the last mile !!!! He ran 26.2 miles faster than I ran 13.1 !! It was pretty funny, but I finished and ran the whole race, so I am happy. Now, remind me not to sign up for another one anytime soon...

1 comment:

medina family said...

Yea!!! Congratulations! Were you even tired?...you can't tell! What a great accomplishment.